Midwest Beaver Summit 2024

Posted In: Beaver Management

The Midwest Beaver Summit returns on August 28th!

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2023 Annual Report

Beaver Institute publishes 2023 Annual Report

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National Beaver Working Groups Autumn 2023 Updates

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Our Values

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Summer updates

The past year has seen Beaver Institute grow significantly, due to the great need and opportunities for ecosystem repair in nearly every corner of North America. As wildfires rage, droughts subsist, and species decline in the U.S. and Canada, the presence of beavers can help.

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Beaver Institute’s 2022 Annual Report

Beaver Institute’s 2022 Annual Report is here!

Our first-ever Annual Report is here!

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Loren Taylor

Introducing Loren Taylor: Ornithologist Turned Beaver Enthusiast

Hailing from the soggy bottomland hardwood forests of Kentucky, it didn’t take long to observe the magic and diversity of life found near water, even as a child.

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Meet Beaver Institute’s New Executive Director – Adam Burnett

Meet Beaver Institute’s New Executive Director – Adam Burnett

Beaver Institute is excited to introduce you to our new Executive Director – Adam Burnett!

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 Celebrating World Wetlands Day Today!

Celebrating World Wetlands Day Today!

Why Wetlands Matter, and How They Can Be Restored Naturally. (Spoiler Alert: It’s Beavers!)

World Wetlands Day, which takes place today, February 2, aims to raise global awareness of the vital role wetlands have for people and our planet, with a call to action to save the world’s wetlands from disappearing and restore those we have degraded.

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Now Headlining: The Beaver!

Now Headlining: The Beaver!

The past month has been a watershed (!) moment for beavers making a splash (!) in the news. From the New York Times to the LA Times to the Washington Post, beavers are front and center and burrowing (!) into the consciousness of the general public.

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Reflections on summer, embracing autumn

Reflections on summer, embracing autumn

It’s been a busy and productive summer here at the Beaver Institute. Our 2nd biennial BeaverCON held outside Baltimore, MD in June was a rousing success with 45 presenters and 200 attendees. All the presentations from the conference are now available for free on our YouTube page.

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