Tag Results: Trout


Beaver Dams Aid Fish Restoration in John Day River Drainage 2014

Beaver dams and manmade Beaver Dam Analogs (BDA’s) on the John Day River system in OR accelerated recovery of steelhead trout.

Beaver Effects on Trout and Salmon

Multiple studies cited showing an overall beneficial effect of beaver dams on salmon and trout.

Beaver in Tidal Marshes – Dam Effects on Low-Tide Channel Pools and Fish Use of Estuarine Habitat 2012


Beaver dams in tidal estuaries have significant benefits for multiple fish species.

A Review of Beaver-Salmonid Relationships and History of Management Actions in the Western Great Lakes (U.S.) Region

A review of the history of beavers and salmonids in the western Great Lakes Region. They found that beaver activity is often deleterious to salmonids in low gradient stream basins but is generally beneficial in high gradient basins

Modifications to the Clemson Pond Leveler to Facilitate Brook Trout Passage

The Clemson Pond Leveler effectively controls beaver pond flooding but will not pass migrating fish as it is typically installed. This modified design will allow for the passage of fish.