Tag Results: Wetland


Riparian Resilience in the Face of Interacting Disturbances

Impact of beavers regarding drought and wildfire in the Methow River Watershed

Beaver: Nature’s ecosystem engineers

This review summarizes how beaver impact ecosystem structure and geomorphology, hydrology and water resources, water quality, freshwater ecology, and humans and society.

Effects of Beaver Impoundments on Dissolved Organic Matter Quality and Biodegradability in Boreal Riverine Systems

Assessment of the changes in dissolved organic matter quality and the biodegradation patterns in beaver systems across Sweden

Beaver-Created Habitat Heterogeneity Influences Aquatic Invertebrate Assemblages in Boreal Canada

Demonstration on how beavers physically altered isolated shallow-water wetlands which then influenced aquatic invertebrates

Beaver Benefits Info Sheet

Educational handout on the benefits of beaver ponds. Permission to distribute.

Beaver Dams and Overbank Floods Influence Groundwater–Surface Water Interactions of a Rocky Mountain Riparian Area

This study provides empirical evidence that beaver can influence hydrologic processes during the peak flow and low?flow periods on some streams, suggesting that beaver can create and maintain hydrologic regimes suitable for the formation and persistence of wetlands.